Comment Moderation –

Give your social responders comment moderation superpowers

Start your free trial of the first AI-driven Comment Moderation solution for Facebook and Instagram

  • 14-day free trial ($300 value)
  • Easy to get started
  • No credit card required

Social teams are struggling to keep up with an ever-growing volume of comments on Facebook and Instagram, but scaling those efforts just by adding more staff proves uneconomical for most brands. Enter, with the first AI-driven Comment Moderation solution, powered by the most advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine.

  • 24/7 Operation
  • !Instantaneous
  • 10X+ Coverage


Prioritized Recommendations

Comments to hide, like, or reply; users to block

Real-time Comment Analysis

Every comment scored for Sentiment and Intent

Automated Comment Hiding & Liking

Optional real-time moderation, 24/7

Automated Public Replies

Optional smart comment response, 24/7

Comment Explorer

Dashboard for analysis and insights